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Work Package Five

Work Package Five

 Approach Training and Capacity building (WP5)

To build capacity in the region, WP5 will focus on these three objectives:

  1. Provide workshops for relevant stakeholders—e.g. clinical managers and health care providers as well as on-the job training for health providers on updated management of HIV infection among children and adolescents.
  2. Strengthen research administration at the participating sites to facilitate implementation of the research project and appropriate financial and scientific reporting. 
  3. Strengthen skills in clinical research and scientific methods among junior African researchers at local universities including: building capacity in areas of implementation science.

Work Package Achievements

Training and Mentorships
  • Refresher course on HIV management among adolescents and children has been done in Tanzania and Uganda currently, but for other countries is to be done as soon as possible.
  •   ICH GCP training was physically conducted last year, however currently there is a link which has been circulated for all personnel involved in the study to do.
  • Implementation research training was done by KCRI and KI at Moshi and all research assistants in respective countries attended.
  • Recruited Four PhD students from KCRI, Kenya and Uganda  and one MSc from KCRI.
Infrastructural Upgrades
Clinical Epidemiological Studies
Grants applied For