Impact Stories
Our Impact Stories

Sr. Nassali Gorretti
Surgeon/ Member of the Research Ethical Committee Nsambya Hospital
“The Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training has been informative. I had done GCP online 4 years ago. The difference has been that this is was more informative and interactive and the concepts were better understood face to face. As participants, we shared experience that helped us appreciate the course better. Moving forward after this training, as a Supervisor and as a reviewer of student proposals, am going to supervise them with a better understanding and more objectively.”

Dr. Gonzaga Ssenyondo
Gyneacologist Consultant/Chairman REC Masaka Regional Referral Hospital
“I have benefited tremendously from this training; I did not have prior training in Good Clinical Practice (GCP). We have acquired knowledge and skills on how to critically go through proposals. This is also a stepping stone for us at Masaka Regional Referral Hospital to ensure that our Research and Ethics Committee is certified and accredited by Uganda National Council for Science & Technology (UNCST). This will help us make it easier to have on site credible approved research proposals. We were also fortunate to have benefited from Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), they have equipped our research and training office with furniture, computers and communication equipment. This will help with collaborating further in research.”

Stephen Katwiita
Counsellor - UVRI Clinic
“As a counsellor, from this training I have been exposed in detail to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of Good Clinical Procedures (GCP) like safety, protocol, how does one write a proposal, how and why it should be written, process of the procedure. I have learnt that these SOPs have to be applied on a daily basis. With this, I am going to improve how and when I give out consent forms, in addition to learning how and why I should keep the data that has been collected.”

Diana Nakitto Kesi
Research Pharmacist - MRC Unit
"I have been trained by EDCTP-EACCR as a Good Clinical Procedure (GCP) Trainer of Trainers (TOT), also as a Clinical Research Associate under the Regional Monitoring Scheme.
When I completed my Master’s degree in Clinical Trials, apart from participating in Clinical Research, I always wanted to share the information that I had acquired about Clinical Trials with fellow staff and other researchers. The question, that lingered on with me was how? Plus, I completed my Masters at a time when the MRC Unit always had periodic training from external trainers in Good Clinical Practice monitoring, this gave me the confidence that I could train and pass on the knowledge.
When an opportunity came up for to train Trainers of Trainers (TOT) and Monitors, I was privileged to be chosen as one of the staff to be trained. With this training, I have been able to help build capacity for staff by training them in GCP at the MRC Unit every quarter. I have been able to train staff in other research institutions like Epic Centre Mbarara, TASO Entebbe, Uganda Virus Research Institute, Nsambya Hospital and Masaka Regional Referral Hospital. I have also trained a number of Clinical Researchers and also helped out in internal monitoring of studies which makes it cheaper for the Unit and also improves on the quality of data for when the external monitors come for monitoring. In addition, my confidence has since grown and I am positive that I will be able to train outside the Unit and help research."

Kagolo Hanifa Issa
Masaka Regional Referral Hospital
"I got to know about the course through a friend who was aware of my keen interest in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. I was thrilled to be invited since I had been waiting to get more information about Epidemiology. The program was very organised from the reception, meals and timetable which ensured that every hour was put to good use.
It has equipped me with knowledge to understand; the research language in research articles and communicating better with my supervisors, understanding common research errors and how they lead to bias and discrepancies. The topics discussed provided knowledge that I am already applying on a daily basis during work.
Its practicability enabled me to grasp the concepts that were delivered and appreciated the applicability of the knowledge received; I had the opportunity of Using Stata and was surprised to find that even excel has a big role in the research process. The course material was delivered by experts in the field who guided us and shared their work experiences. I identified a mentor!
By the end of the training, I had enough confidence and more skills to coordinate a study site. I had made up my mind that I would indeed pursue a career in Epidemiology and biostatistics. I am therefore very grateful to the funders and organising team."