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  • Scientists Advance in HIV Vaccine Research

    What you need to know:

    • One of the participants, Dr Bernard Kulohoma from International Aids Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) in Kenya said the major objective of the gathering was strengthening the capacity of scientists across the ADVANCE network in Africa and India in the development of HIV Vaccine.
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    To read more:

  • Scientists in Uganda Breed Anti-malarial Mosquitoes

    Uganda Virus Research Institute(UVRI) scientists that started the research project in 2016, say it is in the process of returning the mosquito species from a US laboratory.

  • Reciprocal Monitoring Scheme Training For Scientists

    The Monitoring Training course was held at Uganda Virus Research Institute- International AIDS Vaccine Initiative premises. It aimed at equipping participants with comprehensive insights into effective monitoring practices within the context of clinical research. The course was designed to equip attendees with the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the quality, integrity, and compliance of clinical trials. The course provided a comprehensive understanding of monitoring techniques, tools, and strategies for various studies and projects.


    The global community has failed to reduce the rate of infection among teenagers at the same rate as infection among adults despite Fast-Track targets to terminate the AIDS epidemic by 2030. In actuality, the rate of progress is three times slower. AIDS is the number one killer of people in this age range in several regions of the world, including sub-Saharan Africa (UNICEF 2019).