Women are under-represented in academic science careers including health research. In subSaharan Africa, the proportion of women scientists is even smaller with huge disparities between men and women in higher positions in science and education achievements. Family and gender related responsibilities are among factors that hinder most women from undertaking higher education at MSc and PhD levels in Africa.
The East African Consortium for Clinical Research (EACCR) has received funding from UKAID and the DFID through the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) to support 5 PhD female scientists in the Capacity building for Female Scientist in East Africa-2 (CAFÉ-SEA-2) project. EACCR CAFÉ-SEA-2 project is a multidisciplinary PhD training programme whose aim is to equip five (5) female scientists from under-represented countries in the Eastern Africa region with skills and knowledge in infectious diseases research.